
Post-Roe Alternatives

I am one of the coeditors of: B Cubed Press is proud to announce the release of POST ROE Alternatives: Fighting Back, book 6 of the Best Selling Alternative Series. The book is available now on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback. The book is forty-nine uplifting works from Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, Jane Yolen, Jim Wright, […]

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The Last Masters

Is it just a myth that people need masters to tell them what to do and extort their wealth? Every dictator says, “Of course it’s no myth! People DO need masters! How else could the world possibly keep turning on its axis!” In the US, the current version involves women’s right to control their own […]

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In Memory of January 6, 2021

Got Slime? CNN, August 15, 2022: CAPITOL ATTACK HITS SLIPPERY SLOPE The latest white supremacist attack on the US Capitol came to a slippery end this rainy afternoon when Capitol Police sprayed the Capitol steps with hagfish slime supplied by the Department of Homeland Security. Hagfish slime expands 10,000-fold when exposed to water. It is […]

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The Twelve Days of Trumpmas

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a MAGA hat for all to see!On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, two elections losing.On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, three ladies suing.On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love […]

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Spawn of War and Deathiness, from B Cubed Press When B Cubed Press called for submissions for Alternative War (also available now) and Alternative Deathiness (Coming RSN), it was inundated with submissions. There were so many excellent original stories, that they decided to use mostly those. But then there was also a great many excellent […]



Go ahead. Tell me this couldn’t happen. Washington Post—Voting Rights under Attack! The Texas state legislature is now considering a bill to remove the right to vote from women and African-Americans. The bill’s sponsor, Representative Bubba Houston, says that giving the legislature control over elections in the state was only the first step. “It is […]


Is Intelligence a “Bubble”?

The human species prides itself on its intelligence. Its smarts, it thinks, are its primary distinction in the animal world. Only humans can communicate, pass knowledge to the next generation, make tools, plan for the future, grieve their dead, cheat on their mates, and lie to each other. The trouble is that a great many […]

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